Thursday, March 5, 2015

Care package número uno! (and how to ship it)

The first care package I mailed my husband was filled with mainly boring stuff that he didn't take with him, but decided he wanted. I didn't decorate it, or do anything special. It was a learning experience though! Here's what I learned about how to get free packing materials delivered to your door, and how to mail them.

To mail the care packages, I use the USPS flat rate priority mail boxes. You can order them online (here) for free. OR if you call 1-800-610-8734 and say 'Order supplies", it will connect you to a real person. You can then request the 'Military Kit'. This kit includes 2 medium flat rate boxes, 2 medium shirt box flat rate boxes, 2 large flat rate boxes, then it also includes 6 mail labels, 6 customs forms and a roll of tape!! I ordered 4, and they were here within a week! The Military Kit can only be ordered over the phone.

The medium boxes cost $12.95 to ship and the Large costs $15.90 to ship to an APO address (the normal shipping cost is $17.90!)

I filled out my first custom form for this! That was an adventure...

Here's the custom form blank (PS Form 2976-A) it looks quite daunting at first, but I'll try to simplify it! 

The highlighted portions are what you'll need to fill out. The 'From' section is pretty self explanatory, as it's your info and address. I'll explain the 'To' section in a minute. Be incredibly specific for box one. Instead of putting 'hygiene', put body wash, shampoo, razors, deodorant, etc. You can estimate the value in box 4 if you don't know the exact amounts. For box 5, choose gift! The post office will fill out box 7 once it's weighed. Make sure to sign and date it!

For the 'To' section:
Last name and first name are self explanatory. You do not need to include rank on the customs form. Although it is a good idea to include it on the address label. 
Business: the unit and company information. 
Address: FOB name. 
Post code: post code. 
State: AE/AP/AA
Country: Leave blank

And that's that! Definitely not as difficult as it first looks. It's actually quite simple once you know what to put where. 

I can't wait to make an Easter care package next! 

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